Thursday, 7 July 2016

H. Pylori infection in humans | Crack PGIMER NOV 2016

Which of the following statement(s) regarding H. Pylori infection in humans is/are correct? 

A. H pylorimay be isolated from antral gastric mucosa in nearly 100% of patients with active duodenal ulceration
B. H pyloripossess cell surface receptors that bind small intestinal mucous cells 
C. Therapeutic regimens for duodenal ulcer that eliminate the organism are associated with lower ulcer recurrence rates than those in which the organism persists.
D. The incidence of the organism in the normal population increases with age.
E. Antralgastritis is associated with development duodenal ulcer

The answer is. C. Therapeutic regimens for duodenal ulcer that eliminate the organism are associated with lower ulcer recurrence rates than those in which the organism persists .
D. The incidence of the organism in the normal population increases with age.
E. Antral gastnitis is associated with development duodenal ulcer
Helicobacter pylon has received enormous tive attention in recent years as a possible in- cause of peptic ulceration. The evidence that causes ulcers is substantial but largely infertral gastritis is nearly always present in paduodenal ulceration. H pyloriinfestation of the mucosa is causative for gastritis
Resolution of gastritis follows eradication of the organism and drug regimens that are bactericidal have lower rates of ulcer recurrence than regimes which have no anti-bactericidal actions.

* Not all pateints who have H.pylori develop ulcerations. Only abour half of pateints with ulcerations have evidence of h.pylori