Monday 3 April 2017

8 yr. old boy with undescended testis | PGI May 2017 Preparations MCQ

8 yr. old boy with undescended testis, your concern to ask for operation is due to 

A. Cosmetic reasons 
B. Infertility 
C. Risk of malignancy 
D. Impotence
E. Abdominal pain

Ans. (B) Infertility ; (C) Risk of malignancy
• Early orchidopexy reduces the risk of primary germ cell tumours of testis 
There is no reliable statistics as to whether orchidopexy diminishes the liability of malignancy. does improve the prospect of early diagnosis. [LB 24th-1404]
• Orchidopexy decreases the risk of neoplasia when performed before 10 years of age. 
• The definite histological changes occur in an undescended testis by age of 6 yrs.

• Orchidopexy should be done before child goes to school 5 yrs. of age.
After 16 years, irrevesible, destructive changes occur, halt, the spermtogenesis, limit the androgen production to half the normal output. After 6 years, the percentage of successful operation falls in undescended testis. 
— By the age of five years, both the testes should be in the scrotum. After that age the germinal epithelium is increasingly at risk, and lack of descent by puberty is associated with infertility. Therefore orchidopexy before puberty may prevent infertility. 
Considering the above points, it is better to do orchidopexy for reasons 
— Risk of malignancy and Infertility