Pseudo-hyperkalemia causes include
A. HemolysisB. Thrombocytosis
C. Leukocytosis
D. Venipuncture technique
E. Hematocrit < 20%
The answer is. A. Hemolysis, B. Thrombocytosis ;C. Leukocytosis, D.
Venipuncture technique
Pseudohyperkalemia is
a rise in the amount of potassium thatoccurs due to excessive leakage of
potassium from cells,during or after blood is drawn. It is a laboratory
artifact ratherthan a biological abnormality and can be misleading tocaregivers
Pseudohyperkalemia is typically caused byhemolysis during venipuncture (by
either excessive vacuumof the blood draw or by a collection needle that is of
too finea gauge); excessive tourniquet time or fist clenching duringphlebotomy
or by a delay in the processing of the bloodspecimen. It can also occur in specimens
from patients withabnormally high numbers of platelets(>500,000/mm³),
leukocytes (>70000/mm³), or erythrocytes (hematocrit >55%). People with
"leakier" cell membranes have beenfound, whose blood must be
separated immediately to avoidpseudohyperkalemia