Function of Health worker female, correct options are:
A. Perform 50% of deliveries
B. Trains dais
C. Enlist dais of the subcentre
D. Chlorination of water
E. Collectors of urine samples.
Ans. A,C
* Under the
multipurpose worker system, one health workerfemale and one health worker male
are posted at each
* Health worker
female conduct about 50% of total deliveries.
* They help the
health assistants in training programme of dais.
* List dais in
their area and involve them in promoting family welfare work.
* They test the
urine for albumin and sugar and do thehaemoglobin typing during their home
visit. At the clinic they
conduct urine
examination and estimate Hb%.
* Water
chlorination is done by health worker male.