Sunday, 22 May 2016

Disease vaccine is contraindicated in pregnancy MCQ | Crack AIIMS NOV 2016 MCQs

For which of the following disease, vaccine is contraindicated in pregnancy, even following maternal exposure?

A. Rabie
B. Measles 
C. Typhoid
D. Hepatitis B

The answer is b.Teratogenic concerns regarding the vaccine must be weighed against the potential for harm from the infectious agent. In the case of hepatitis A and B, rabies, tetanus, and varicella, patients may be treated with hyperimmunoglobulin or pooled immune serum globulin. Inactivated bacterial vaccines can be used for cholera, plague, and typhoid as appropriate. Vaccines for measles and mumps are generally considered to be contraindicated as these are live viruses, although the rubella vaccine, which is known to have been administered inadvertently to over 1000 pregnant women, has never caused a problem and in fact can be used in selected circumstances of exposure.