Thursday, 18 August 2016

'First order 'symptoms of schneiders' schizopremia | Crack AIIMS, NEET NOV 2016 MCQs

'First order 'symptoms of schneiders' schizopremia include all except: 

A. Depersonilization 
B. Running commentary of one’s thoughts
C. Primary delusion 
D. Somatic passivity

Answer. A. Depersonilization         
There are 11 first rank symptoms first three are related to thoughts – thought insertion , withdrawal & broadcasting next three are related to hallucinations –1St person ,2ND person & 3RD person  next three are    made phenomena  remember VIA MADE VOLITION, MADE IMPULSE, MADE AFFECT (mood) Last two  are   Somatic passivity &  Delusional perception