Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Ocular Histoplasmosis syndrome | Crack PGIMER NOV 2016

The following are true about ocular Histoplasmosis syndrome:

A. it is caused by Histoplasma capsulatum
B. a visit to a cave inhabited by bats is a significant history
C. the patient is usually immunocompromised
D. pneumonia is usually present
E. the 'histo' test postivity is needed for detection of new cases.

The answer is. A. it is caused by Histoplasma capsulatum, 
B. a visit to a cave inhabited by bats is a significant history

Patient is not necessarily immunocompromised. pneumonia isnot usually present. Histo test positive in 90% cases but itdoesnt distinguish between new cases and already exposedcases