Monday 17 October 2016

Fracture of the medial malleolus and fracture of the fibula | NEET Based MCQs

An obese 32-year-old woman presented with eversion of her right foot. She has a displaced fracture of the medial malleolus and fracture of the fibula above the level of the tibiofibular joint.Treatment of choice would be 

A. Traction. 
B. Bed rest. 
C. External fixation. 
D. Open reduction and internal fixation.

Answer . D. Open reduction and internal fixation
• Fractures of the ankle usually require operative treatment if there is significant disruption of the joint or if there is instability.
• If both malleoli are involved and the fibula is fractured at or above the tibia fibular ligament (also called the syndesmosis ) then surgical plating of the fibula is required.
• If there is a significant medical malleolar fragment then this should also be fixed with a screw or wire.
• Displaced stable fractures can be treated with closed reduction and a plaster.

• Non-displaced, stable fractures may only require a plaster.