Monday 14 September 2015

AIIMS MCQ for Medical PG Preparations .. NIME | Gestational diabetes mellitus MCQ

Which one of the following clinical situation would be LEAST likely to result in a newborn who is small for gestational age?
A. Premature rupture of the membranes
B. Abruptio placentae
C. Congential CMV infection
D. Gestational diabetes mellitus

Ans. D.
Pregnancies associated with, gestational diabetes mellitus usually produce newborns that are large for gestational age (macrosomia). Hyperglycemia in the mother causes fetal release of insulin, which increases the synthesis of fat and muscle. Fetal, placental, and maternal causes can result in a newborn that is small for gestational age. Fetal abnormalities include chromosome disorders, congenital anomalies, and infection. Placental abnormalities (uteroplacental insufficiency) can result from infection, infarction, abruption placenta, and premature rupture of the membranes. Maternal factors are most common and include pregnancy-induced hypertension (preeclampsia), malnutrition, smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug addiction.