Monday 21 September 2015

PGI MCQ for Medical PG Preparations .. NIME | anterior division of internal iliacartery MCQ

The branches of anterior division of internal iliacartery include all except
A. lnternalpudendal
B. Superior gluteal
C. Uterined.
D. Obturator

Ans. B.
• Internal iliac artery arises at the bifurcation of the common iliac, artery, Opposite the lumbosacral joint (L5/S1 intervertebral disc)
Division Branch
Posterior Iliac artery
·  Superior gluteal artery
·  Iliolumbar artery
·  Lateral sacral arteries
Anterior Iliac Artery- about 8 branches
·  Obturator artery (occasionally from inferior epigastric artery)
·  Inferior gluteal artery
·  Umbilical artery, which later persist as superior vesical artery (remaining artery becomes medial umbilical ligament).
·  Uterine artery (females) or deferential artery (males) Vaginal artery (females, can also arise from uterine artery) or inferior vesical artery (males)
·  Middle rectal artery 
·  Internal pudendal artery
·  Artery of the perineum
·  Accessory obturator artery: The obturator artery sometimes arises from the main stem or from the posterior trunk of the internal iliac, or it may spring from the superior gluteal artery; occasionally it arises from the external iliac.