Sunday, 19 June 2016

Cushing’s disease PGI Based MCQ | Crack PGIMER NOV 2016

A 45-year-old male is diagnosed with Cushing’s disease. He undergoes a bilateral adrenalectomy and recovers well from the operation. On his return to the work one year later, he complains of a constant dull headache, peripheral visual disturbances and increasing pigmentation of the skin creases of both hands. The most likely diagnosis is: 

A. Ectopic ACTH secreting tumour 
B. Prolactinoma 
C. Nelson syndrome 
D. Addison’s disease 
E. Side effects from iatrogenic steroid intake

The answer is. C. Nelson syndrome

Nelson syndrome occurs in patients who undergo bilateral adrenalectomies; the loss of negative feedback over time causes a macroadenoma to form in the pituitary which secretes adrenocorticotropin (ACTH). A spectrum of symptoms may arise due to the effects of serum ACTH, as well as the deficiency in other pituitary hormones. An ectopic tumour secreting ACTH can produce similar symptoms; however they usually originate from oat cell of small cell lung carcinomas which are associated with weight loss rather than headaches and visual disturbances. Iatrogenic steroid side effects would cause symptoms imitating cortisol excess such as striae, bruising, thin skin and weight gain. A prolactinoma  can cause some of the symptoms the patient complains of, such as headache and visual disturbances, due to impingement upon surrounding structures. However, symptoms in males does not involve hyperpigmentation and usually include loss of libido, impotence and gynaecomastia. Addison’s disease (D) causes similar symptoms described in the question stem, however the cause of adrenal function loss is due to autoimmune action or infection.