Sunday, 19 June 2016

LEAST diagnostic value When evaluating for possible otitis media | Crack AIIMS NOV 2016 MCQs

When evaluating for possible otitis media, which of the following is of the LEAST diagnostic value?

A. History of a new onset of ear pulling starting several days after URI
B. Presence of the light reflex
C. Translucency of the tympanic membrane (TM)
D. Mobility in response to pneumatoscopy

Answer. B. Presence of the light reflex

The light reflex can often be visualized in an abnormal ear. Gauging decreased translucency of the TM and evaluating for the presence of a fluid level behind the TM requires experience, but these are good indicators of infection when detected. Mobility in response to pneumatoscopy is also quite sensitive in practiced hands. New-onset ear pulling after URI is frequently associated with otitis media.