Friday 1 January 2016

Diagnosing Trisomy-21 during Second Trimester of Pregnancy

The best way of diagnosing Trisomy-21 during second trimester of pregnancy is: 

A. Triple marker estimation 
B. Nuchalskin fold thickness measurement 
C. Chorionic Villus Sampling 
D. Amniocentesis

Ans. D.  Amniocentesis
Prenatal diagnosis of Downs Syndrome.
Risk of having a fetus affected by Downs syndrome at an advanced maternal age >35 years.  is well known.
USG and biochemical markers are being used to calculate the risk and predict outcomes. Fetal blood sampling and tissue sampling being invasive can be performed only in very selected cases.
Currently second trimester USG scanning has been shown to detect up to 60% ofDS fetuses.
The following findings on USG are useful:
1. Nuchal skin thickness measured on an axial view where the cavumseptipellucidi. , cerebral pedicles, cerebellar
hemispheres and cisterna magna are seen. A cut off of 6 mm is significant.
2. Choroid plexus cysts
3. Cardiac defects are noted in 50% children with DS.
4. Abdominal findings namely duodenal atresia, omphalocoele, pylectasis ascites, two vessel umbilical cord, a single umbilical artery, echogenic bowel, should be seen. Duodenal atresia can be diagnosed as early as 14 weeks on a USG.
5.Femur, humerus length is a possible marker of underlying trisomy 21.
Ratio of biparietal diameter to femur length and humerus length with expected length are good predictors with sensitivity of 37% and specificity of 47%.

6.Clinodactyhy, hypoplastic mid phalanx in the fifth finger, increased gap between 1 st and 2nd toe can be detected.