Sunday, 16 October 2016

‘Snow ball’ Opacity in vitreous | PGI based MCQs

‘Snow ball’ Opacity in vitreous is seen in 

A. Pars planitis 
B. Sarcoidosis 
C. Juvenile RA. 
D. Toxoplasmosis 
E. Fuch’s lesion

The Answer is.(A) Pars planitis ; (B) Sarcoidosis
1. Opaque sheets anterior to the vitreous
Elschnig pearls after extracapsular cataract extraction or needling (posterior  capsule opacification)
Soemmerring ring following extracapsular cataract extraction or needling
Vitreous adhesions to iris, capsule, or intraocular lens (IOL) after cataract  extraction with vitreous loss
2. Pseudoglioma-leukokoria
3. Scattered opacities
A.   Amyloid disease-rare (seen in older persons)
B.   Ankylosing spondylitis
C.   Crystalline deposits
(1)     Asteroid hyalosis
(2)     Synchysis scintillans
D.   Endophthalmitis
E.    Heterochromic uveitis-in persons 20 to 50 years of age; of all uveitis, iris  atrophy, lens changes
F.    Myeloma, multiple-rare: in persons 50 to 70 years old, associated with bone  pain, anemia
G.   Pigment cells-posttraumatic (hemorrhage), senile, or melanotic, associated with  rhegmatogenous retinal
H.   detachment.
I.     Protein coagulated plasmoid vitreous
(1)     Choroidal tumors (very rare-reported in metastatic breast cancer once)
(2)     Contusions
(3)     Intermediate uveitis (pars planitis)
(4)     Retinochoroiditis
J.        Snowball opacities-rare, associated with pars planitis or sarcoidosis,  endophthalmitis (indolent)
K.      Tumor cells-retinoblastoma in older child, reticulum cell sarcoma (older  persons)
L.       Vitreous degeneration-Wagner disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and Marfan  syndrome, senescent aging changes, myopia
M.     Retinitis pigmentosa
4. Single opacities
A. Anterior hyaloid remnant (Mittendorf dot)-25% normal eyes, dot on posterior  lens surface
B. Hyaloid remnants (uncommon)-persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous
C. Foreign body-history of trauma or surgery
D. Dislocated lens
E. Parasitic cysts
  (1) Hydatid disease (echinococcosis)-rare, children and young adults, tropical area
  (2) Cysticercosis-rare

F. Vitreous detachment-common in older or myopic persons