False regarding Uterovaginal prolapse:
A. Nagel exercises aim to contract the pubococcygeus in orderto improve the symptoms attributable to a cystocele.
B. First-degree prolapse describes protrusion of the cervix through the vaginal introitus
C. Colpocliesis is commonly used to repair a rectocele.
D. Rectocele presents as a protrusion of the anterior vaginal wall.
E. Prolapse cannot occur after hysterectomy.
A. Nagel exercises aim to contract the pubococcygeus in orderto improve the symptoms attributable to a cystocele.
B. First-degree prolapse describes protrusion of the cervix through the vaginal introitus
C. Colpocliesis is commonly used to repair a rectocele.
D. Rectocele presents as a protrusion of the anterior vaginal wall.
E. Prolapse cannot occur after hysterectomy.
Ans. B, C, D, E
B. WRONG. First-degree prolapse is to the level of the
D. WRONG. Cystocoele presents thus. Rectocele
involvesprotrusion of the posteriorvaginal wall.
E. WRONG. Vault prolapse involves descent of the cuff
ofvaginal tissue left afterhysterectomy.