A-.25 year old patient present with high fever, toxaemia and cough with
expectoration of four days duration on examination of chest there is
imparied percussion note, increased vocal resonance and fine crepitation
over the right upper part of the chest the most likely diagnosis is:
A. Lobar pneumonia
B. Pnuemothorax
C. Bronchopneumonia
D. Pleural effusion
A. Lobar pneumonia
B. Pnuemothorax
C. Bronchopneumonia
D. Pleural effusion
Ans. A
The patient is
suffering from pneumonia. The points in favour of diagnosis are:
1. Short history.
2. High fever,
cough and toxaemia.
3. Impaired
4. Increased vocal
fremitus and vocal resonance.
5. Fine
CXR will show right upper zone consolidation.