All are true regarding annular pancreas except
A. Its incidence is higher in Down's syndrome
B. In the adult most commonly presents with hematemesis
C. Pancreatitis occurs in over 1%
D. an ERCP usually demonstrates an absent main pancreatic duct
E. Causes narrowing of the third part of the duodenum more commonly than narrowing of the second part
A. Its incidence is higher in Down's syndrome
B. In the adult most commonly presents with hematemesis
C. Pancreatitis occurs in over 1%
D. an ERCP usually demonstrates an absent main pancreatic duct
E. Causes narrowing of the third part of the duodenum more commonly than narrowing of the second part
Ans. C,D,E
annular pancreas is commoner in Down's syndrome . [MCQ]Nausea, vomiting
and abdominal pain are the usual presentations. It is complicated by
pancreatitis in about 20% and is usually confined to the annulus and head .the
main pancreatic duct is normal .the second part of the duodenum is involved in
almost 90% of cases