Thursday 28 April 2016

Diarrhoea due to vibrio cholera | Crack PGIMER 22 MAY 2016

In a patient presenting with diarrhoea due to vibrio cholera, which of the following will be present:

A. Abdominal pain 
B. Presence of leukocytes in stool 
C. Fever 
D. Neutrophilia 
E. Ocurrence of many cases in the same locality

The Answer is. (D). Neutrophilia ; (E) Ocurrence of many cases in the same locality
• Vibrio-cholera causes non-inflammatory, painless watery diarrhoea (rice water stool : liquid, turbid, gray cloudy fluid with flakes of mucus and without fecal odour, blood or Pus.) No Fever.
• Mild Neutrophilic Leukocytosis.

• Cholera outbreaks is caused by vibrio choleria-Ol. But the emerging cause of explosive outbreaks is vibrio cholera 0139 Bengal.