Friday 20 November 2015

Accessory Spleen Location | Medical PG Preparations

Accessory spleen is mostly found in: 

A. Hilum of spleen 
B. Lienorenal ligament 
C. Gastrosplenic ligament 
D. Around tail of pancreas

Ans. A.  Hilum of spleen
Fifty percent of accessory spleen are located near the hilum of the spleen.
Splenunculi Accessory spleen. 
Most common congenital anomaly of spleen.Can be single or multiple, found in 30% of population.
Failure to identify and remove these at the time of splenectomy give raise to persistent disease
Other sites of accessory spleen
oGastrocolic ligament
o Greater omentum
oSplenocolic ligament
o Left broad ligament
o Tail of pancreas
o Greater curvature of stomach
o Mesentery of small and large bowel

Remember: Splenosis is ectopic spleen that may cause pain or GI obstruction. It is not connected to portal circulation. Occur due to peritoneal seeding in some patient with splenic rupture.