Friday 20 November 2015

Mycobacterium TB | PGIMER MCQs

Not easily culturable but well viable & used in epidemiology are/is:

A. Staph 
B. Mycobacterium TB 
C. E. Coli 
D. Salmonella 
E. Streptococci

Ans. B. Mycobacterium TB 
• Staph aureus grows rapidly in ordinary media with temperature range of 10-42°C. 
• Mycobacterium tuberculosis grows very slowly. coloniesappear only in 2 weeks, sometime delayed to 6-8 wks. Cultures remain viable for 6-8 months and may be stored for 2 yrs in deep freeze at temperature 20°C.
• E. Coli grows rapidly in culture media 
* Viable but not cultivable organism:
-— Trepenoma pallidum