Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Epididymal cyst

Epididymal cyst develops due to cystic degeneration of appendages of epididymis. Usually seen in middle aged person. Presents as a tense cystic swelling in scrotum, in the region of head of epididymis and gives like a feeling of palpation of grape bunch. It is multilocular and contains crystal clear fluid, so is brilliantly transilluminant and shows multiple septae inside it (known as 'Chinese lantern pattern')

Spermatocele is a uniocular retention cyst which is derived from some part of sperm-containing mechanism of epididymis. Its fluid resembles 'barley water' and contains spermatozoa. Though it transilluminates, but it is not as brilliant as epididymal cyst.

Hydrocele is a uniformly transilluminant swelling, which may show a shadow of testis inside.

Hematocele and Varicocele do not transilluminate