Monday, 9 November 2015

Amoebic liver abscess | PGI MCQs for MD MS Preparations

True about amoebic liver abscess 

A. Frequently associated with diarrheal presentation 
B. Most common in right lobe of liver 
C. Can rupture into pleural cavity 
D. Almost never respond to metronidazole
E. Commonpresentationin left lobe of liver

Ans. B. Most common in right Lobe liver; (C) Can rupture into pleural cavity 
• Extraintestinalinfection of E. histolytica most often involves the liver, right-side being the commonest. 
* Althoughinitial site of infection is colon,fewer than one third of patients with amoebic abscess have active diarrhoea, so diarrhoea in notmost frequent. Most important features are rt, quadrant pain (upper), fever, weight-loss, hepatomegally. 
• Pleuro-pulmonary involvement occurring in 20-30% of pts is the most frequent complication of amoebic liver abscess. 
• Metronidazole is drug of choice. More than 95% of patients respond dramatically to metronidazole therapy.