Monday, 9 November 2015

janani shishu suraksha karyakkram

janani shishu suraksha karyakkram:
launched 01.06.2011
1. Free institutional delivery (including CS)
2. free drugs, consumables, diet 'upto 3 days (NVD)*, upto 7 days (LSCS)*
3. free transport from home to institution
4. same entitlements for all sick new borns *till 30 days of birth.
New extension of scheme* AIIMS 2015 MCQ
now it also covers ANC, PNC, and sick infants
other options discussion:
FIMNCI: integration of *facility based care package* with IMNCI
appropriate *inpatient* management of major cases of neonatal and childhood mortality as asphysxia, LBW, pneumonia, diarrhoea, malaria.
MCH level I (PHC/SC) - newborn care corner (NBCC) - in labor rooms. refer to upper levels in case of sick new born
MCH level II (CHC/FRU)- NBCC - refer to SNBU (new born stabalization unit) in case of sick new born
MCH level III (district hospital) - NBCC in OT's. - refer to SNCU (special new born care unit)