Monday, 12 October 2015

Action of oral contraceptive pill | AIIMS MCQ for MD MS, Medical PG Preparations and Coaching .. NIME

All of the following mechanisms of action of oral contraceptive pill are TRUE EXCEPT
A. Inhibition of ovulation
B. Prevention of fertilization
C. Interference with implantation of fertilized ovum
D. interference with placental functioning

Ans. D. Interference with placental functioning
Combined oral contraceptives COCs work primarily by inhibiting ovulation.
Ovulation is inhibited by action on the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis to reduce luteinizing hormone and fofficle-stimulating hormone. In addition, COC has contraceptive effects on cervical mucus and the endometrium
If used consistently and correctly the COC provides effective contraception.
The Pearl index for COC i.e., the number of failures per 100 woman-years of exposure is estimated at O.3—40
The failure rate with perfect use true pill failure is 0.1% and with typical use User and method failure is up to 5%.  During the usual seven pill-free days, the endometrium sheds and most women will have a withdrawal bleed.
Contraceptive protection is maintained during the pill-free interval as long as pills before and after are taken consistently and correctly.
Category 1: Unrestricted Use
Category 2: Benefits outweigh risks
High age, lactating, metabolic syndrome, HIV, Gall bladder disease
Category 3: Risk outweigh benefits: Lactating, breast disease, CAD, smoker