True about mantoux is
A. False negative in fulminant diseases
B. If once done, next time it is always positive
C. Results are given in terms of positive & negative
D. Indurations given in terms of length & breadth. Always indicate active TB infection
E. None of the above
A. False negative in fulminant diseases
B. If once done, next time it is always positive
C. Results are given in terms of positive & negative
D. Indurations given in terms of length & breadth. Always indicate active TB infection
E. None of the above
A. False negative in fulminant diseases:
False neg. Mantoux is found in Fulminant disease.
• Mantoux test is used to detect disease hypersensitivity to tubercular
antigens. The results of the test are read as reactions (induration) in inn the
horizontal transverse diameter of induration. An induration of: <6 mm is
considered negative.
8-9 mm : doubtful
> 10 mm :taken as positive
It DOES NOT prove th the person is SUFFERING from the active disease.
. It doesn’t distinguish between
active and latent infection.
. Tuberculin sensitivity slowly
wanes with time. A repeat test may appear to be negative. However, a repeat
test may exert BOOSTER EFFECT so that, another tuberculin test after 1-2 wks.
later will be strong positive (> 20 mm) test.