Wednesday 25 November 2015

Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia | Medical PG MCQs

All are true about pneumocystis carinii pneumonia except? 

A. First line treatment should be with intravenous pentamidine
B. CXR may be normal 
C. Severe hypoxemia is common 
D. Pleural effusion is uncommon

Ans. A. First line treatment should be with

Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia often presents with severe dyspnoea, dry cough, pyrexia and hypoxia. Chest X-ray may be normal in 10% but typically shows diffuse bilateral perihilar shadowing. Pleural effusion and lymphadenopathy is uncommon. Silver staining of the Pneumocystis organism now a fungus.  is positive in over 90% of patients on lavage or induced sputum specimens. Arterial p02 and transfer factor are decreased. Treatment of choice is cotrimoxazole but Periamidine may be given instead intravenous or nebulised. . Mortality following first episode of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is less than 10% and secondary prophylaxis should be given nebulisedpentamidine, cotrimoxazole, dapsone or pyrimethamine. . Tuberculosis and severe bacterial infection are commoner causes of opportunistic infection in HIV-positive Africans with AIDS.