Saturday, 3 October 2015

Recurrent Balanoposthitis| PGI MCQ for Medical PG Coaching & Preparations .. NIME |

Recurrent Balanoposthitis seen in.:
B. Herpes simplex
C. Smoking
D. Alcohol
E. Bad hygiene

Ans. (A) Diabetes Mellitus.
• Inflammation of the glans penis is called Balanitis and that of mocous surface of prepuce is called prosthitis. Inflammation of both prepuce and blans is called Balanoprosthitis (BP)
• Causes:
- Zip fasteners,
- Pin pricks excoriations,
- Teeth bite (during sex-play)
- Self infliction (Psychological).
-  Retained smegma and urine in the prepuceal sac,
- Contact dermatitis to condom, vaginal spermicidal gelly, various creams used as sexual stimulant, podophylin used for venereal warts.
- Fixed drug cruptions — Tetracycline, sulfonamides phenylbutazone, paracetamol, carbamazepine.
- M.C. cause of BP is candida albicans (21% cases).
- Others—Bacteroides, Gardnerella vaginalis, Trichomonal, Gonococcal, Mycoplasma fermenters, Grp. B. Hemolytic streptococcus.
- Syphilis, Chancroid, Donovanasis, LGV, Herpes genitalis.
• DM causes recurrent balanoposthitis