syndrome may also present with B&B disturbances, but in later stage of the
disease and the symptoms are not very severe.
Signs and symptoms:-
Severe back pain
Saddle anesthesia, i.e., anesthesia or paraesthesia involving S3 to S5
dermatomes, including the perineum, external genitalia and anus, numbness or
"pins-and-needles" sensations of the groin and inner thighs which
would contact a “saddle” when riding a horse.
Bladder and bowel dysfunction, caused by decreased tone of the urinary and anal
Sciatica-type pain on one side or both sides, although pain may be wholly
Weakness of the muscles of the lower legs often paraplegia.
Achilles ankle. reflex absent on both
Sexual dysfunction not severe.
Absent anal reflex and bulbocavernosus reflex
Gait disturbance